Rivera Omics Group has no publications since it's inception date in July 2023.
We are actively recruiting undergraduate students to contribute to pilot research projects and publications.
We are actively recruiting undergraduate students to contribute to pilot research projects and publications.
Previous publications from Osvaldo D. Rivera, PhD
- Perales-Linares R, Leli NM, Mohei H, Beghi S, Rivera OD, Kostopoulos N, Giglio A, George SS, Uribe-Hernandez M, Costabile F, Pierini S, Pustylnikov S, Skoufos G, Barash Y, Hatzigeorgiou AG, Koumenis C, Maity A, Lotze MT, Facciabene A. (2023). Parkin regulates tumor evasion by modulating antigen processing and presentation through the PTEN/Akt network. Cancer Research. CAN-22-2499.
- Rivera OD, Mallory MJ, Quesnel-Vallières M, Chatrikhi R, Schultz DC, Carroll M, Barash Y, Cherry S, Lynch KW. (2021). Alternative splicing redefines landscape of commonly mutated genes in acute myeloid leukemia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118 (15) e2014967118;021
Shastri N, Tsai YC, Hill S, Jordan D, Powell B, Chen J, Maloney D, Dose M, Lo Y, Anastassiadis T, Rivera OD, Kim T, Shah S, Borole P, Asija K, Wang X, Smith KD, Finn D, Schug J, Casellas R, Yatsunyk LA, Eckert KA, Brown EJ. (2018). Genome-wide Identification of Structure-Forming Repeats as Principal Sites of Fork Collapse upon ATR Inhibition . Molecular Cell 72, 222–238.e11
Teklemariam TA, Rivera OD & Nelson SW. (2018). Kinetic Analysis of the Exonuclease Activity of the Bacteriophage T4 Mre11-Rad50 Complex . Meth. Enzymol. 600, 135–156
- Rodriguez-Torres MR, Velez C, Zayas B, Rivera OD, Arslan Z, Gonzalez-Vega MN, Diaz-Diestra D, Beltran-Huarac J, Morell G, Primera-Pedrozo OM. (2015). Cytocompatibility of direct water synthesized cadmium selenide quantum dots in colo-205 cells . J Nanopart Res 17, 475401
- Aten TM, Redmond MM, Weaver SO, Love CO, Joy RM, Lapp AS, Rivera OD, Hinkle KL, Ballif BA. (2013). Tyrosine phosphorylation of the orphan receptor ESDN/DCBLD2 serves as a scaffold for the signaling adaptor CrkL . FEBS Lett. 587, 2313–2318.
A copy of pay-walled papers may be requested via e-mail from the corresponding authors.