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Research Projects

Genomics and Transcriptomics

[Project GT-1] Ongcogenicity of RNA splicing dysregulation.

Mentored opportunity focuses on developing bioinformatics pipelines to model RNA regulation and define common patterns of oncogenicity across cancer types. The research opportunity will provide students with mentoring on methods for analyzing next-generation sequencing data, transcriptomic models, and RNA regulatory pathways. The goal is to translate findings into collaborative experimental validations and draw mechanistic conclusions. Students who make significant contributions to peer-reviewed publications will be recommended for follow-up compensated biotech research. Knowledge in programming languages R, Python, and Shell is highly desirable and recommended.

  • Prerequisite Coursework: Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biostatistics, Computer Literacy
  • Recommended Additional Coursework: Bioinformatics

[Project GT-2] Pharmacogenomics.

(inquire via email for project details)

  • Prerequisite Coursework: Bioinformatics, Genetics, Biostatistics, Molecular Biology, Immunology

Market Analysis and Commercial Strategy

[Project MACS-1] Bioinformatics Communications

Mentored opportunity in bioinformatics market research analyzing implementation of bioinformatics in academic and industry labs. One of the key objectives of this research project is to create an avenue for aspiring scientists in the field of science communication and market research. By offering guidance and support in areas such as research methodology, interviews and surveys, data analysis, scientific writing, and publishing media articles, this project aims to provide aspiring scientists with an alternative career path. The mentoring program will enable them to develop essential skills and expertise in bioinformatics market research, empowering them to contribute to the industry's growth and success.

  • Prerequisite Coursework: General Biology, Computer Literacy,
  • Recommended Additional Coursework: Research and Writing

[Project MACS-2] Biotechnology Commercialization

(inquire via email for project details)

  • Prerequisite Coursework: General Biology, Computer Literacy
  • Recommended Additional Coursework: Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Indrustrial Microbiology

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External collaborative projects

External laboratories seeking to collaborate in scientific projects please contact the PI via email with information about the scope of the work. Additionally, if you are interested in commercializing your lab's biotechnologies you may book a meeting with our partner business development entity here. Daily reserved time is between 4pm - 5pm EST.